Wie montiert man eine Hupe ans Fahrrad?
Hallo, ich wollte mir eine Hupe (bzw zwei Hupen) fürs Fahrrad bestellen, muss jedoch vorher wissen welche Teile ich zur Montage benötige.
Das hier ist die Hupe
Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr mir Lösungsvorschläge geben könntet
First of all the legal side: §67 StVO only “light-toning bells” on bicycles are allowed (i.e. “Klingel”). We all know that you don’t hear the quiet “ping” in the car.
The mechanical side should not be so difficult – in the construction market there are angle plates with prefabricated holes for screwing on – with some skill this is made fast (e.g. with the lamp holder)
Now comes the electric side: Things need 12 V direct current and a lot of it – the Dynamo doesn’t make it, maybe. Model batteries that can supply high currents.
Then the practical side: No car driver thinks of a bicycle in a homing noise, i.e. will not respond to the threat of danger (right turn over “wheel path”), but will possibly make dangerous actions for you.
There are two noise generators which, although legally prohibited, operate technically on the wheel:
A compressed air hupe (Airzound) and running or storm wrinkles – in which you think at least immediately of a bicycle.