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So long cooked that the egg yolk is still liquid, but just starts to get hard on the edge…
That’s what I like most:)
Thank you for the star! In no case is the protein still to be coarse… 🙂
Yeah, I’m just like that.
I like scrambled eggs with noodles, cooked egg so for between and mirror eggs to bread. I really don’t have a variant most popular may. But if, then probably scrambled eggs.
How do you like egg?
Goose BG
The ink barrels
I like egg cooked softly 🙂
The least I like mirror egg.
Not at all, then the chickens also have what of it🤭
The egg gets milk and spices and is slightly fried, but still has to be loose. Bacon. Delicious.
I just like eggs where you don’t taste them in the cake Kaiserschmarrn.
I don’t like the taste of eggs.
Hello, LovePitbulls.
I like the most scrambled eggs. Tomorrow for breakfast, I’ll have a scrambled egg.
💕 greetings star
Depends on when I eat bread in the morning, then like waking egg, in hotels or in the evening, then more than a scrambled eggs with bacon. Strammer Max of course mirror egg. Is there fish -> as Mayo 😅
Please do not misunderstand, but why do you tell me that, write an answer, because in contrast to me, he is certainly interested in your contribution.
I like it so much.
Breakfast with Bacon
Cooked or mirrored.
How best to taste eggs
It’s fun.
Hard boiled.