Wie mit Vater klären das ich mein Erspartes nicht geben will?


mein Vater ist gerade in schwierige finanzielle Situation. Er braucht das Geld. Er meint wenn ich das nicht mache, will er nichts mehr mit mir zu tun haben.

will nicht das wegen geld familienstreit gibt.
meine geschwister sind auf meiner seite… die lachen nur wegen der Situation 😂

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5 months ago

Well, you have to know where the debts come from. I’ll explain three possible reasons.

  1. Your father has an apartment or a house that is rented (was) and sitting in it a rental oath. The financing eats him up, he has no revenue, but urgently needs money to seek a renunciation to clean up the situation.
  2. Your father bought himself a much more loyal car without thinking about how he can pay it and can no longer give it back, e.g. because he already let it be tied (deep, other wheels on it etc.
  3. Your father lives on a big foot. i.e. vacations, relgelich new devices whether the old still do, expensive clothes, regular eating etc.

In one situation, there would be no reason for me to discuss. I wouldn’t give my father the money.

in the next situation, I would think if I gave my father the money.

and last but not least: Here I wouldn’t give him a cent! already alone because I know nothing will change like that.

Apart from that, there is also the possibility of “give me your money” to regulate the whole as part of a loan. This is nothing unusual in the duchaus family. I would definitely fix that in case of larger sums.

One more! Related in straight line are subject to maintenance. i.e. not only that fathers are dependent on their children, but also on their parents, just like “children” so adult children compared to their parents, but also grandparents. However, income or asset-free limits are comparatively high.

Oh, yes, “Give me your money or I don’t want anything to do with you” that is emotional blackmail! It’s hard to judge if your father said it out of despair, or because he’s just selfish.

If it was first, I’d forgive him. I don’t care about it in the last case, because with a father who would be like that, I wouldn’t have anything to do as a daughter!

Oh, well, 20 years ago, when I met the dream of a golf 1 convertible, my mama only stopped laughing at me that old scrap car. After I had made him with the help of my friends and a paint shop, “Schatzi, can I go with it?”

This even culminated in the fact that I wasn’t just there where my car keys were supposed to be a note: “Have your car forgiven me if you have to drive, you can take mine – Mama”

5 months ago

If you don’t want to give it to him, it’s like that. If he has financial problems, he should take care of himself

5 months ago

Hmm tough thing.

If your father really said he wouldn’t have anything to do with you, it’s extortion. That would be a reason I would call him why I don’t give him anything.

Otherwise, it is difficult to judge the situation…Is he self-indebted in this situation and how much would you actually help him with money?

How is the relationship otherwise? How does that hurt you if you take him financially?

5 months ago

it’s blackmail and you’d never see your money again.

Tell him not to behave like a poor light.

5 months ago

There’s nothing to explain, you say no.