Wie mit rauchen und vapen aufhören?
Es ist mittlerweile so schlimm geworden. Nach 3 Jahren kippen kam ich immer mehr zu vape. Jetzt ist es so das ich wirklich pro Woche mindestens 40€ für vapes ausgebe.
wenn ich versuche aufzuhören denk ich andauernd dran. Jede 5 min muss ich dran ziehen oder eine rauchen gehen.. bzw wenn die vape leer ist geht’s dann wieder ands normale rauchen. Hat jemand tipps?
Hello, it’s very hard.. first you should want to stop 100%, only then you have the chance to leave it.. I stopped 5 days ago from one day on the other, I smoked 10 years. The first day was very hard, but I distracted myself all day with games, exercise & food. Laune was really bad haha on the 2nd. Day of extreme dizziness and nausea with vomiting. but still have gone through! From day 3., it went slowly well. Now I’m at Day 5 and I’m very good! Of course I still sometimes think about “Now a smoke would be mega.” but then the thought comes in me “to have to go through the violent withdrawal would be HÖLLE!” Conclusion: ABLENKEN ABLENKEN If you have to cry, wine! If you’re annoyed, be annoyed! But remember, there are “only” few days that are extreme! 🙂 You can do this!
Finally a correct answer, thank you very much
Don’t move anymore and keep 3-7 days or just keep going.
Isn’t that easy? What are these comments?
What did you hope for? That there are any magic tricks against a addiction? Can nicotine bags, plasters, chewing gums, etc. then do not take the loaded lung. There is no easy way.
No but thought someone had evtl tips, but still thank you 👍
If you can stop it, get yourself a refillable one. Where’s the problem? These unique things are not only expensive but also environmentally harmful.
I’ve got refillable. But I’m about to stop so let the unnecessary comment
just stop pulling
Super but not so easy
withdrawal clinic.
For cigarettes and e-cigarettes take away a withdrawal clinic and thus take away the important places for really drug addicts. is it still?!?!!!