Wie mit Linux bootfähigen Windows USB-Stick erstellen?
Ich habe Dual-Boot, nun startet seit gestern mein Windows 11 nicht mehr. Es erscheint das blaue Windows Fenster für ein paar Sekunden und dann Black Screen und nichts geht mehr.
Mein Linux geht – wie man sieht.
Jetzt wollte ich WIN neu installieren, aber um einen WIN-boot-Stick zu erstellen, braucht man ja laut – Windows – einen Windowsrechner.
- Was ich habe:
- BS Linux
- einen USB-Stick
- eine Windows 10 ISO Datei
- und einen WIN 10 Produktschlüssel
Wie mache ich einen Windowsinstallation USB-Stick?
I used WoeUSB in the past.
Simply cloning the ISO does not work, however, unlike most Linux ISOs. You can prepare the stick manually, but give some details to consider when partitioning the stick, so just use a script like WoeUSB.
The ISO can be downloaded from MS.
No, you don’t. Under Linux I did this with WoeUSB.
I think you need to press F12 and then you come to the boat Menu
then you have to see what can have gone wrong
And how exactly does this help him in questioning?
Maybe to start or repair Windows in Safe Mode
This is different for everyone
As a rule, the boot menu does not help if it can still be selected in the Grub Windows anyway.
You set the stick normal with the Windows ISO. In order to create a Linux stick, Windows is also recommended because one assumes that there is no Linux. Nonetheless, it goes under Linux.
I don’t have a WIN BS.
Then stop on Linux.
Enter into a SuMa “create Windows USB stick bootable with Linux”, press enter, read.