Wie mit kleinem bruder duschen?
Hallo ich w/14 muss die nächsten tage auf mein kleinen bruder (7) aufpassen und er will nie alleine duschen das macht normalerweise mein vater oder mein bruder mit ihn aber ich bin ja dann alleine mit ihm und ich habe keine ahnung wie ich mit ihm duschen gehen soll also wenn er hilfe beim waschen und so braucht ich wüste nicht wie hilfe bitte
Well, wash him, wash him off, help him in soaping, isn’t that bad
Eyes to and through!
P.S. weren’t you 16 a week ago?
Pull it through. It won’t be very bad. Good luck.
I don’t know how to wash a little child I’m totally overwhelmed with children pre-alem though the too overwhelmed slne
Just soap him. It won’t be harder than you.
“In his inteligens he suffocates on his trench”
boah ey, that’s not possible! What’s the matter, just put him in and shower him off or ask him how your parents always do. But you don’t talk about his little brother!! I have a little brother myself and yes, he can sometimes be really annoying but still I don’t talk about my sibling child!! That hurts me when reading
Then you don’t smell a week, no one has hurt.
If he plays it out or is so and with sand, matte or so full, he will surely not come to my house
That’s something else that’s right. Just put him in the shower and open the door.
In his inteligens he suffocates to his trench, because he gets a weeping applause he has just under the shower the brittle panic