Wie mit 100.000€ Geld auf dem Konto Geld gewinnen?
Hallo Zusammen,
ich bin momentan am überlegen, wie ich mit meinem Geld auf meinem Tagesgeldkonto noch mehr Geld bzw. Gewinn machen kann? Ich habe momentan 100.000€ auf meinem Konto. Ich möchte damit innerhalb eines Jahres einen deutlichen Gewinn erwirtschaften. Danke im Voraus.
Here the obligatory hint that many and certain often exclude.
What often brings about a certain risk of fluctuation.
If you need the money after a year, something safe but return poor would probably be the best, e.g. day money or fixed money. We may move in the range of 2 or 3 %.
If you don’t need the money guaranteed at a certain time in the near future, you can also take a risk. This requires the time (and the temperament) to sit out bad times. An example here would be ETF.
There are currently some cheap shares that pay high dividends. For example 766403. However, this is not guaranteed and price losses are possible.
For auto stock, you need good nerves. And patience. And for VW… 🤔
VW is not cheap. The current course is appropriate for the problems that exist to wuppen.
Dividend will bring you no more when the price drops in the long term. You want to increase the €100,000 and not shrink.
If stocks are “cheap”, it usually has a reason. Laien can hardly reasonably estimate which individual shares will rise again in the future.
Then leave it on the daily money account. With such a short installation period one can seriously recommend nothing else.
All other (short-term stock speculations, Bitcoin etc.) is associated with a high risk of loss. It’s nix for lay people.
Leave the money. If your investment period was 10-15 years, I would recommend certain index ETFs. This is for long-term savings.
More risk means better opportunities for higher profits. Security means lower returns.
As an alternative to the suggested suggestions, you might consider taking a loan and then buy a property. With the rent you can deposit the loan as soon as the paid off you have the rent as profit + the value of the property.
Also here risks: loss of value of the property, renovations, renting…
But whatever happens you have the property and can use it in the worst case.
Go on http://www.finanztest.de and look after the slipper portfolio.
You could invest it in bonds, for example.
Yes, the usual. Shares, Etfs, Kryprto or Gold, Silver…
This is my question of your willingness to take risks. No Risk No Win. Significant profit, significant risk.