Wie misst man auf einer Platine die Spannungen korrekt?
Mein Ziel ist es vorallem bei Handyplatinen die Spannungen korrekt Messen zu können, jedoch wär eine allgemeine Anleitung auch für Computerplatinen etc. für den Anfang denk ich mal genügend. Ich verstehe beispielsweise nicht wo ich mit dem Minuspol ansetzen soll und wo mit dem Pluspol.
With this “knowledge” and without a schematic, you can’t measure anything.
One should already make an education in the electronics sector in order to understand this complex matter. Then you know which components you have in front of you and then you know what you can measure where. In addition, an oscilloscope is required for bus systems, etc., if you are looking for Feher or want to check the function. A simple multimeter only helps with simple components such as diodes and resistors.
Right, but you don’t have to do a training. That’s enough to deal with as a hobby.
But in order to understand what you do – especially in order to understand what the measurement results mean – you have to deal with electronics a lot and a long time.
Especially in mobile phones you can only measure “dry” with hobby means, so only measure whether voltages are there, have connections through and whether there are short circuits.
The signals in a cell phone are so sensitive that the connection of a measuring device alone influences them so strongly that the cell phone can no longer function. Also, the frequencies are so high that for the hobbyist affordable measuring instruments are much too slow to measure.
I actually have no idea
It’s Kalle but good
Okay kalit