wie merkt man lactoseunverträglichkeit?
ich hab nur durch zufall herrausgefunden, z.b. wenn ich bestimmt sachen esse quark, vollmilchschokolade, mit meinen worten kann ich kaum schluken mir bleibt dann fast die luft weg, trinke ich milch, limo, ess scharfem meeriisch gehts wieder, dann muss ich hundertmal niesen schnupfen, bei rama habe ich die symthome
So you’re looking for milk, with sneezing and sniffing, right? (Your text is not easy to understand)
One could also consider an allergic reaction. A lactose incompatibility usually involves complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, etc.
If you can drink normal milk, what do you think you have a lactose tolerance?
Just pure normal cow’s milk is the least tolerated as a lactose-tolerant person.
But yes, if you get problems after the consumption of dairy products like what you have described or diarrhea/bloating etc, there is usually an incompatibility behind it.
You can clarify this with a test from the doctor.
I will also let you test, you don’t know what’s really in the cow’s milk, chewing the industry almost everything, from coffee to tobacco
Well, above all, there is lactose. That’s why it’s weird. But as I said, if you did a test with the doctor, you know it.
thanks I also test, there are swung species of lactose intolerances, I would tear 59w old ha ha
With lactose intolerance, you’re furious like a cattle or you’re diarrhea like a pony.