Wie merkt man in der schule das jemand eine Panik Attacke hat?
Wie merkt man sowas bei Schülern oder Schülerinnen und wieso kriegt man eig sowas ?
Wie merkt man sowas bei Schülern oder Schülerinnen und wieso kriegt man eig sowas ?
Oder seid ihr gerade mit eurer Freizeitgestaltung unzufrieden?
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Hey Freunde, ich hatte gestern ungeschützten GV mit meinem Freund, und mittlerweile nervt es mich einfach, dass ich danach immer direkt Angst kriege, dass was passiert ist. Ich nehme seit 5 Jahren die Pille. Also mittlerweile sollte alles eingespielt sein. Ich nehme sie regelmäßig, habe sie noch nie vergessen und hatte in den ersten 4…
Was bedeutet dieser Heiligenschein? Eine Freundin von mir ist 2021 verstorben und seitdem hat ihr emoji einen Heiligenschein, aber ich weiß nicht ob der schon vor ihrem Tod war. Ich habe auch noch nie vorher sowas gesehen Weiß Snapchat dass sie nicht mehr lebt ? Wenn ja, woher ?
Hey Leute, Meine Freundinnen und ich planen nächste Woche eine kleine Party, wir sind ungefähr 17 Leute und unter anderem auch mehr Jungs als Mädchen, also muss es schon relativ viel sein. Wir sind zu arm um so viel Pizza zu bestellen. Hat jemand gute Ideen was vielleicht kein Mettigel ist oder so ?
Every person can get a panic attack because this is a panic reaction. Panic is an increased feeling of fear. There are different people can get one for different reasons.
In fear and panic attacks, in the background the vicious circle of fear is to be found, there is usually an external stimulus or even inner stimulus (body change) which is perceived and leads to thought (there is a danger). Here it comes to fear, so the typical anxiety reactions are called physiological change and then the physical reactions (heart grasses, respiratory problems, palpitations, dizziness) follow, these physical reactions lead to a further inner stimulus and so it goes into the vicious circle.
Someone can get through a social anger disorder in school due to a presentation when the anxiety reactions are strong enough. It can get heartaches during the presentation and can get a fear and then it can come to the physical symptoms.
People with a panic disorder usually get a panic attack without obvious reason, so a panic reaction occurs without apparent or without external influence.
For this, people who once had a panic attack were afraid of a new one and can get one again because of a body reaction they had during the panic attack because they think “my heart knocks like that, I had that at my panic attack, which is when I get one again” and then they boost themselves in.
A panic attack could also be remembered from the outside as a person usually makes snap breathing (hyperventilation) this person breathing very low and fast, usually this is the most obvious symptom. She can sweat, trembling, also crying and slow answers as they are completely focused on herself.
The person himself notices it once in the breathing (the feeling of choking) therefore also the hyperventilation. To this end, strong palpitations and heartaches, a feeling to die / fear to die. Sting in the chest (many are afraid to get a heart attack). Sweating and trembling, and tingling in the arms, this usually happens from hyperventilation, as a person inhales too much oxygen and is oversaturated with oxygen.
First aid can be: The person shows that you’re here and she’s not alone, and they’re trying to distract. And you help get a proper breathing by breathing with her. For this purpose, hyperventilation can help to breathe into a paper bag, as you get more carbon dioxide back into the bloodstream. In most cases, hyperventilation is also the panic drivers, so if this symptom is gone it is often better again.
Hope could help a little. (this information is from my own experience and my own therapy in the direction)
Yes you could heofen and thank you for your answer 😊
Panic attacks are often caused by fear, stress or overreach. Causes can be, for example, strong fear of a test performance or also bullying.
Different symptoms can occur in a panic attack. Frequently, dizziness attacks, heartaches or abdominal pain occur, although there is no physical cause for it, just psychosomatic symptoms.
Ok thanks for reply
Panic attacks usually occur when pupils come into a situation with which they have bad experiences. For example, a teacher CAN theoretically be a trigger, but also normal fear can cause this. I know it like this: the students have difficulty breathing. But there are certainly thousands of different types of it and not a detail is the same.
Ok but many thanks for your answer
Hyperventilation, snap breathing, fainting.
That’s what happens to panic cats. If someone has such symptoms, he may have a panictack.
Ok thank you for your answer
fainting rather unlikely because panic is an anxiety reaction and a fear is exactly what we do not fall out of power.
Certainly it may happen, but I was told in the clinic by fear you will not be Ohnmagic
Who doesn’t breathe properly turns around.
But this is not the right thing to do, but too much. It comes to a feeling of powerlessness but in most cases does not come true powerlessness