Wie merkt man ein Schlaganfall beim schlafen?

Hallo ich bin gerade auf Entzug Zigaretten und Gras und hatte immer davon schnelle Herzschläge und bestimmt ein hohen Blutdruck hab gehört das macht ein Schlaganfall…

nicht das ich beim schlafen einen hatte ohne es zu merken??

ich merke manchmal paar Sprachstörung aber das liegt bestimmt ans kiffen ich habe sehr viel in einem Jahr gekifft . 4 joints Pro Tag manchmal mehr

bin 16

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1 year ago

When you sleep, you don’t notice if you have a stroke. You don’t notice that until you wake up. Even though many here write that one dies in sleep: that can happen, but mostly strokes are not fatal (over 90% survive). This means you wake up again in the morning, but with corresponding symptoms. That’s called Wake-Up Stroke.

The common thing about this wake-up streak is that you don’t know how long they’ve been. They are treated as if they really started waking up, but they can have started shortly after the fall asleep. Since a stroke is about starting the treatment as quickly as possible, the outcome is not always as you would like.

High blood pressure can trigger a stroke. If you have high blood pressure for years, the vessels are damaged or calcified, which can lead to a stroke. We’re talking about years of hypertension. You’re actually too young with 16 for that. Although an acutely high blood pressure (over 200) can also trigger a stroke, this would be very untypical at your age.

A quick heartbeat is not really a factor that triggers a stroke. A hopeful dimmer would be one. However, even at your age, this is rather untypical.

Although a stroke can occur at any age at any time, it is very unlikely to have one with 16. Don’t worry about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alimali8191

Sometimes you notice an irregular heartbeat and heartache (up to 160 beats per minute), weakness, restlessness, pressure on the chest,… Half of the patients have no symptoms at all. But one must also say quite clearly: not every feeling of weakness or heartache is automatically a hopeful dimmer.

1 year ago
Reply to  summersweden

They are treated as if they really started waking up, but they can have started shortly after the fall asleep.

This would result in an art mistake. In principle, in such a case, the time at which the patient was last anamnestically symptom-free or was last seen as normal applies. In large clinics you can also draw a DWI mismatch.

A hopeful dimmer would be one. However, even at your age, this is rather untypical.

What does “untypical” mean for you? The incidence increases with age, right. However, there are diseases, disorders, etc. that can lead to a second VHF that are also not sooo extremely rare.

Keywords: preexcitation syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypokalemia, alcohol excess, …

Otherwise, I recommend looking again at the pathophysiology of a VHF.

I’ve seen strokes in young adults. Smoking was a very important point, mostly along with KOK. But everyone has to know what risks it takes.^^

1 year ago

Of course the rest pulse. 160 under load (depending on load) is normal and safe.

1 year ago

When you sleep, you do not notice it, at most after waking up (if you wake up again…).

If you think you had one, go to the doctor. He can check (or send you to one who can check).

1 year ago

If you have a stroke at night, you won’t wake up. You die.