Wie merkt man dass sich jemand ritzt?

Bitte geht zu einer anderen Frage wenn ihr euch getriggert fühlt

Ich habe vor einer Woche oder so was mit einer Freundin gemacht und habe solche roten Striche an ihrem Arm gesehen aber nicht so 3 oder so sondern mehrere und habe jetzt dass gefühlt dass sie es tut und mache mir echt Sorgen aber frage mich halt jetzt wie man sowas merkt dass es jemand macht ich bin mir nämlich nicht sicher

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7 months ago

The clothes are long-sleeved, they are also restless when sport is standing and the changing in the dressing hood, or when swimming.

They always live like in a hiding place that the lines are not seen.

Over the years they become brighter, whiter. Then they fall down less.

It’s nice that you care about your fellow human beings. But it can usually be a person who does not lose himself.

If the ones wear short sleeves at some point, they look a few times, or ask, then it’s good. But they have to meet this overcoming.

Good for you.

7 months ago
Reply to  DianaValesko

Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy, all the best for you

7 months ago

naja you can see it just at the wounds of for example healed or thighs. You just notice. My begging girlfriend’s been doing this for a long time, and I knew it at some point. But I’d be careful if you ask her it couldn’t be pleasant for her.

All good:)

7 months ago

Why don’t you just ask her? My arms and legs look wild, I’ve never done that to anyone when I’ve been addressed.

7 months ago
Reply to  2good4u123

Please don’t be mad, but you’re worried about yourself. You don’t know how to react. I understand, too, it’s really a difficult situation for you. But I promise she’ll understand if you’re good friends.

7 months ago

I did this in my youth, or my friends. They didn’t dare to mention the scratch, even though they saw it clearly. I say, it’s really worse for the friends than the person himself. And the person can really help if you notice it and are there for them

7 months ago

Just ask her

she would be happy that she finally gets the attention she is looking for