Wie merkt man das man auf MDMA ist?
ich habe vor ein paar stunden ein jibbit mit 2 freunden geraucht. Das Gras war aber in einer Tüte wo davor teile waren, es waren also noch Rückstände darin (Pulver). Ich hatte jetzt die ganze Zeit Angst, dass ich auf MDMA bin weil niemals Chemie konsumieren will.
Any residues of the pills adhering to the grass burn ineffective. There’s not much happening.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
I still have some fear that I am on because my pupils also react worse to light
This is probably imagination, as it is simply not possible. MDMA, as is usually present, is not effectively smokeable.
Thanks also ⭐
Please, please. It’ll be okay.
okay, thank you’re probably right that I just get in there