Wie merke ich mir Besser die Latein Vokabeln?

Hallo habe schon seit 2 Jahren das Problem das ich die Latein Vokabeln einfach nicht in meinen Kopf bekomme ist dann meistens eine 4 oder eine 3 im Vokabeltest In Englisch Klappt es hingegen viel besser und schreibe nur Einser Kann das Jemand erklären oder im besten Falle einen Guten rat für mich abgeben?

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3 months ago

Hello, I’ll explain how I learn my vocabulary! Maybe it will help you.

Preliminary, English might be easier for you because you may use or hear the language more often than Latin. You may have English lessons for a long time, with a lot of practice you will be good in Latin too.

Regular repetition is very important to me. Try to repeat the vocabularies every day for a short time or even to incorporate them into your everyday life if you are alone, for example, I speak to myself Russian.

I also like to create maps, you could write the Latin word on one side and the translation on the other side. So you can take them anywhere and learn in everyday life!

You might want to find a learning partner that allows you to query the vocabulary. Here you can easily find someone online.

Use learning apps or websites! There are often cool games and you can learn at the same time.

You can also try to visualize the vocabulary. If you need more tips or have more questions, I am happy to answer them or answer them. to help you. :

Great success in learning!