Wie meine Produktfotos verbessern?
Das obere Foto ist meins und das untere ist von einem anderem guten Händler (der beste in seinem Gebiet). Ich will auch so gute Fotos machen können. Ich habe bereits die Helligkeit und Ähnliches erhöht bei meinem Foto, daher sieht es jetzt besser aus. Aber wie komme ich an das Niveau des Unteren ran? Bei ihm leuchten die Tasten und die Farben sind insgesamt schöner.
Mein jetziges Setup ist ein 18″ Ringlicht, meine helle Zimmerlampe und ein Diffusionszelt. Kamera ist sony a58.
Problem is, you work with a photo box, I’ve already described you with one of your previous posts that you’re not very changeable. But you chose the photo box and the continuous light.
The lower photo is probably made in a hollow bar and illuminated with 2 softboxes. This results in more contrast because not all sides are white. In addition, you can change the light position freely or use the flash without a softbox.
I tried it without a photo box, it came out: https://ibbb.co/FxZ7qx
What lights or lights would you light up? If it is expensive and can pay max 200€.
Ring light also makes another light than a softbox. And above all, these ring reflections get what is needed.
You don’t need a super expensive equipment, 2 lightnings that can be removed, a remote trigger and 2 small softboxes.
Godox TT685II for Canon from € 108,90 (2023) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany
You were too close and the ring light does not make a nice light for reflections. At the light tent you always have white from all sides except you put a black cardboard on the sides.
Okay, I’ll save the money for it. Buy probably used, find the or a similar model for very cheap. I bought the ring light for only 45.
And don’t you illuminate the light tent? Had to buy in front of the 80cm, is currently on offer. He’ll be exposed more evenly, will he? And if I want to photograph something bigger, I can easily take my normal white pvc background instead.
If you click my linked image, you don’t see the camera coming out well without a tent. Lens looked good, but I could just get camera in the tent. Can still use the flashers from both sides.
Yes, they flash at the same time. That’ll look like that with 95% probability. On the left corner of the camera you can see that the light came from two sides. And when you look at the buttons, you can see the softbox on the right side.
Krass, I thought they were just on a camera. But I guess I’m on a tripod. They all flash simultaneously and expose the product in a moment, correct? And that will look like the other dealer? Like about 90%? If you can say that?
You have always been too close; Your picture is quite distorted. Go away and zoom. Of course it will be about 50mm.
What do you mean, “light his buttons”, the whole picture is different. He had an illumination in the room that was reflected in the buttons.
Without the same lighting you will not be able to achieve the same result
Because of the exposure: I currently have only one ring light that shines down directly from above. How can I expand my setup so that it is also more illuminated? Any hardware recommendation? Buy light or camera?
Your camera is absolutely sufficient for this field of application, as it would even do a newer smartphone.
From the price performance, this was very useful for me:
watch videos a, how good lighting goes for product photography
I’ve already set the lighting up. Look at this. https://ibb.co/kx76TqZ
(Box is too small, have to exchange.)
Of course that’s enough.
But a tip: frontal lighting often makes pictures boring, trying to remove the ring light from the camera and try to get an exciting lighting from the side or from the top
I thought there was a whole expensive light equipment with 3 permanent lights or something. 😅
So my current lighting is better than that. Have the 18″ neewer ring light (110€) and a similar LED light as from your link. And of course white background. But does not seem to be enough to get to the quality as from the other dealer…
You need to increase the “depths” and adjust the perspective a little bit, otherwise it looks good anyway
How and where do you increase the depth?
What software do you process the photos?
I’ll do it with Lightroom. Isn’t there an app for the phone?
Do you have a YT tutorial? Couldn’t find something suitable.
All dark from the case. That’ll be automatic. The original iPhone photo app can also be
I can’t. Can otherwise try the free Photoshop Alternative photopea. Or just buy lightroom… What places should I brighten up?
Mm-hmm. So not the brightness total
Currently only use photoroom.