Wie Männer mitbehandeln bei Scheidenpilz?
Hallo, und zwar hab ich Scheidenpilz 🙈 würde gern meinen Partner mitbehandeln damit ich bzw er sich nicht gleich wieder damit ansteckt.
Was für eine Salbe soll er dann nehmen? So eine vaginal Salbe die ich extra dafür hab oder wie?😅
Yeah, just what you mean.
If the doctor doesn’t say that explicitly, he doesn’t have to.
Mushrooms grow in moist grottos, not on steel and granite.
Send your husband to the pharmacy or to the family doctor who have the appropriate medicines for it.
In fact, he should also use the antymiycotic that you also use.
Exactly, he uses the same ointment as you. There is no mushroom ointment that is only for men.
She was probably confused about the cups that you have to introduce yourself to the vagina.
Of course, that’s what goes away with men!