Wie macht man Hühnersuppe?
Ein einfaches Rezept bitte, weil ich krank bin und nicht die Energie habe 3 Stunden vorm Herd zu stehen
Ein einfaches Rezept bitte, weil ich krank bin und nicht die Energie habe 3 Stunden vorm Herd zu stehen
Jau Gude, bin zu faul zum googeln, deswegen wende ich mich mal an die Profis hier :^) Gab doch früher so ne Fernsehwerbung, wo es hieß dass man irgendsoeine Rama kaufen soll, um Fettspritzer zu vermeiden. Was ist aber wenn ich wirklich mit Butter oder von mir aus auch normalem Pflanzenöl kochen möchte? Hat irgendwer…
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For soup you don’t really have to stand in front of the stove, you can simply take chicken lobes or soup hay fill with water (ca. 1-2 liters per keule, 5-6 liters for a whole chicken. the meat should swim properly9
You throw a few carrots, a little onion of lynx and celery if you like garlic.
Good portion of salt and pepper and lets just cook for at least 90 minutes at best 2-3h.
The advantage is as long as you look back and forth, you only need time. You can literally leave the kitchen and do something else.
I even forgot a soup, the broth is extremely reduced (up to 200ml or so) this extremely concentrated fond I just poured back with water and still had normal soup. You can’t do anything wrong, and you literally have 0 work. That’s why the vegetables come out later, you don’t even have to cut it small. You practically only taste meat and vegetables in water and then cook it.
Right chicken soup needs his time. And it’s easy for several hours to become a real chicken soup. If you don’t have to stand permanently on the stove in time, you can also simmer comfortably on a small flame without having to stand next to it. Recipes can also be found on the web via Google. In doubt, however, the cans variant also goes as it goes significantly faster.
but from the chicken soup you won’t be automatically healthy even if you like to tell. Except perhaps from the antibiotics contained in the chicken, which you can take to you and thus save the chicken soup 🤷🏼
30min recipe:
chicken breast fillet
Chicken broth
Soup vegetables
Soup insert (noodle, rice)
Schritt 1: Cook meat. For the quick chicken soup you will miss the chicken breast fillet the first ne charge of salt and pepper. Then the fillet can even pull in the broth for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, you clean the soup vegetables and cut everything into mouth-right pieces.
Step 2: Cook vegetables and noodles. Once the meat is finished, take it out of the broth and give vegetables, noodles and the remaining liquid into the pot. Now vegetables and noodles just have to be. In the meantime, you crush the chicken breast fillet. I like to pluck it with fork and knife, because for me the meat just has to be like in Omis chicken soup.
Step 3: Taste. Finally, put the meat back into the pot, let it cook for one more, two minutes and taste again with salt and pepper. It’s finished.
Good improvement and good Apettit!
Good recipe but I would take lazy instead of chest!
You can also:D
Chicken meat, keuls or whole chicken (with skin, gives better broth) boil off and take off the broth.
Soup vegetables (Sellerie Knolle and Green, Porree, parsley, carrots) and potatoes brush and nipple. Add to broth and cook until it is.
Pour meat small and finally give it back to salt after required.
As an alternative to potatoes, rice or noodles also go.
Cook them separately before they do not boil and end up adding.
Now grab better finished can variants.
The cans of “Erasco” taste quite good.
These are “with noodles” and “with rice”.
There are also “Bi-Hun” soup, which I can highly recommend. That’s another brand.
This is the fastest and easiest way.
And you can “enrich” with noodles or rice.
And for the future you can precook and freeze.
Healthy is only freshly cooked chicken soup. Cans or bag soup does not work.
What “believe” are you doing this?
This can version has never been harmed.
I also usually lack the will and patience to cook freshly. Then, of course, I miss most of the ingredients. And I also often lack the skills, training and planning.
But these dehydrated “bags” scales have then lost a comparatively large amount of “quality”, compared to the “freshly cooked”.
And such bags (“Chreme”)-suppen are very rare in me anyway.
“The main thing about the tank is full.”
I haven’t had a bag soup yet. But I think that a soup with natural ingredients, without further chemistry, will be more effective for your diseased body. For preparation you have already read a lot. Good
Apart from the already written, you get the best soup if you don’t want to cook a whole chicken from chicken small parts and soup green! I wouldn’t use chicken boobs, and at canned soups, my neck hair is up!
Also, if you put value on a good soup, add the chicken/small in cold water and if you want to use the soup green as an insert only later, as it otherwise boils!
You don’t have to stand 3 hours in front of the stove, just let it simmer for 3 hours. Meanwhile, you can make it cozy with tea on the couch, set the timer. 3 hours simmering is very good for a strong, effective chicken broth.
Example recipe:
Take a large pot, wash the chicken lobes (for example) and put them in the pot. Leave plenty of water over there so they can swim well in it. Maybe you’ll put it up with some finished chicken fond if you have something. Just pour it in. Then you cut off the skunk with a few onions, and the ridge remains on it. Put the onions with the bowls in, give a nice coloring later. Add a cut cloth bar, 3 carrots and a slice of peeled ginger for a discreet sharpness and an even more beautiful shade. Cover on it.
Then you put on the stove, let it warm slowly, wash and sniff the rest of vegetables: for example, a parsley root and something (cooks) and maybe 1-2 carrots. So far, it’s a matter of maybe 15-20 minutes if you leave your time.
When it smiles, you set the timer to 3 hours and make it comfortable. Do not put so high, it is not supposed to broble properly, but only cook easily.
After the 3 hours, the onions are very softly cooked so that you can remove them beautifully from the bowls and give them back to the soup.
After that, you turn the cut vegetables into the pot and take the chicken out of the pot. Now you add spices to your choice. Then you set the timer to 20 minutes to let the vegetables boil softly and separate the tasty meat from the bones, and then put it back into the broth. Maybe you would like to have a few noodles in the soup – just let them simmer in after 20 minutes and again about 10 minutes – finished.
What you’re investing at the stove is no more than 40 minutes in total. If anything.
Bring water to the boil, chicken or chicken parts in, carrots, leek and celery to it (if available), finished. Season with salt, pepper, etc to taste. Then it can simmer for a while.
(Suppen)Huhn in cold water. Clean soup green and cut coarsely and cook with lid. Salts, peppers and 1 to 1 1/2 h.
Pick up solid parts and cook fresh mixed vegetables in the broth and another 10 minutes. Dissolve meat from the bone, back into the soup.
If you want to cook a good chicken soup, it should be at least: 2 hours before simmer. And these two hours you don’t have to stand in front of the pan.
Cook water, chicken in, ready.
And then what?
chicken soup
boiling water is not soup🙃
Dose on and in 5 minutes!
No, but it’s like that, or it’s about three. stand at the stove, have to decide!
Yet, you can support your body with energy, vitamins and fluid and strengthen the immune defense with rest
A proper chicken broth is quite healthy in colds. In addition, sufficient liquid is also provided.
If you are talking about a cold, the correct term is actually respiratory infection or grippal infection, then you cannot speed up recovery. You can only relieve symptoms. OK, you might be able to help the body with “free powdering”. But ultimately, your body does not have to fight against bruises and coughs, but against viruses or bacteria. And that’s what the immune system has to regulate. And you can strengthen the immune system preventively. If you’re already sick, it’s too late. The most effective thing really can help is a lot of tea to drink, inhale, fresh air and bed rest.
Keeps cooking things between 3 hours and 5 minutes canned food…
Faster than chocolate
You’re getting from. Chicken soup doesn’t get well.
You had written something about “though you’d rather stand at the stove for 3 hours.”
You don’t have to tell me, I used to cook!
Then 2-3 hours are not a problem if you just have to stand before, you can also lay down while cooking, yes, your time takes!
You don’t have to stop at the stove when the chicken simmers in front of you.
40 minutes I can invest and canned food doesn’t sound like you’re gonna get healthy again