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Nudelsalat is an excellent dish for recycling. In addition to all the delicious recipes already mentioned, you can also simply look into the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet, what you have or possibly even have to go away. According to my personal taste, apart from potatoes, there is nothing that does not taste pasta. Make sure you choose the combination. All ingredients should have approximately the same size. Mix all ingredients. Finally, you decide for either a mayonnaise or Yoghurtdressing or salad saucer based on vinegar/teach and oil. It’s finished. But add the dressing just before serving. It is very strong in noodles.
I always take the butterfly noodles for the noodle salad
1 pack of noodles
1 large glass Mayonaise
1 large can of peas (very fine)
6 – 8 cucumbers
You can also use mushrooms ( can) or paprika (small nipples)
…The eye eats with 👀👀👀👀👀Je to taste
1 meat sausage
Some oil, some vinegar, pepper, salt
What i c h personally take….
Butterfly noodles
And for me there’s only one Mayonaise… that of Thomy…
Nudelsalat is what leaks
You cook the noodles according to the package ( cooking time )
all season, the small nippled ingredients subset,
Let the Mayonaise finish… mix everything nicely
Keeping cold. Of this, several people are really fed up
You can also take half pack noodles, and 1 small glass
Mayonaise . Depends on the people who eat it
There are of course quite many noodle salads – recipes
My salad is very popular within the family, and with friends and neighbors
LG Angel 👍
The good old recipe that my opa explained to me you explained now
There are many great recipes in cookbooks in the library or in bookshops or on cooking pages on the Internet. Research something 🍀
As you like. Noodle salad can be prepared in many different ways. I’d give you a chef. de recommend.
For example
“Nudelsalat recipes – the best recipes 2024 | Chef”
With noodles. The other ingredients are left to your imagination.
There are thousands of types of noodle salad.
Here 3 recipes:,nudelsalat130.html,rezept2406.html
Here are the best of the best 🙂
rubber ball
Zig recipes can be found on chef or net
Best with noodles.