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I can’t
But I saw that with others. Once her face turns as a profile picture and then it turns and there comes a GIF
Nope. I don’t know
But how do you do that? There is a profile picture of the user and then it turns around and then comes some kind of cartoon and wins you or photographs you. I think it’s funny and I want to do it. How to do it
This is not a gif but simply the avatar 😂
It’s not fake. I saw that with other people. You go to her profile. On the one hand, there is her profile picture and that turns around and then there is a GIF, for example, a person who wins you or makes other things. I saw it
Maybe I was wrong. What I mean is this
Not at all
But I saw that with others. Once her face turns as a profile picture and then it turns and there comes a GIF