Wie macht man das?

Wie kann ich den Gesamtwiderstand von dieser Schaltung berechnen es sollen Rg = 6.67 Ohm rauskommen aber ich komme nicht darauf. Die vorherige Schaltung war einfach eine Dreieckschaltung die ich in Stern umgewandelt habe.

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9 months ago

Rges depends on which terminals are measured.

For Rges = R_AB

For Rges = R_AC

R_BC would also be a possibility.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lgol65

Well, from A to B you can ignore the top resistance, and then you have 2Ω + (4Ω || 8Ω) + 2Ω from left to right

4Ω || 8Ω = 1/(1/4Ω+1/8Ω) = 2.67Ω

So total 6.67Ω

9 months ago
Reply to  Lgol65

Then you look at the upper picture. You have the equation for that.
10/3 * 2Ohm = 6.67 Ohm

9 months ago

Imagine a voltage source between the terminals A and B. Then enter all possible current paths so that you can see which resistors are energized at all. The upper has, for example, no return path, therefore it is omitted.

If you draw the circuit for simplification without bevelling, you would see that the green-circuited resistors are in series. They add to Rgreen = R+R+R+R = 4R.

The orange resistances are also in series: Rorange = R+R = 2R

You also see that the green package is parallel to the orange package. That is why

R_greenorange = Rgreen || R_orange

In addition, you have a single resistance before and after the green orange package. That is why

R_AB = R + R_green orange + R = 2R + R_green orange

9 months ago