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4 months ago

The printer only prints a high-resolution UV ink, which is then cured with UV light. The print motif is already pre-printed on the plate to be printed in 3D. Looks clearly in the picture… It is therefore important here to have a suitable printable plate, a 100% perfect alignment in the printer, so that the edges and motifs all fit and a corresponding printer that can print precisely and high-resolution with UV ink… You always see the UV lamp light up when printing so that the ink is cured immediately…

4 months ago
Reply to  Manuel4life

If you’d listen to what’s being told in the video, you’d already know… The original was digitized using a special 3D scanning method and thus the structural data were recorded. Say, in principle, it is a special 3D printing method and there has not been programmed but derived from 3D data…

4 months ago

It’s just high-resolution printed and not raised or something. The plates/papers are certainly not favorable. To do this, you need the printer and correspondingly high-resolution perfect photos. Doesn’t pay to buy something like that in my eyes, because one has too rarely an application for it.