How does the swat do that?
I'm currently watching SWAT, and I keep asking myself a question. What if someone takes someone hostage and puts a gun to their head and says, "If you come any closer, I'll shoot them?" If the police then want to lock onto them, would it be smart to shoot them in the arm while they're holding the gun, or could they fire a reflex shot and kill the hostage?
Shoot in the arm…. then you can shoot the hostage directly. Depending on what the one has thrown in or how high his adrenaline level is, he does not even immediately notice the bombardment. The safest is a shot with the aim of the immediate elimination of all reflexes and body motors, and this only goes with a shot that switches off the cerebral brain, and thus the transmission of nerve pulses to the spinal cord and limbs.
Shot….and end. ^^
No, hitting the arm alone would be too high a risk.
Even if they could not do that
You can finally turn off the aggressor immediately, just like Too that has written or negotiated with the hostage. Here, there are different possibilities. In the best case you can separate the two
It would be best not to shoot at all, because if it’s stupid, the perpetrator will push or shoot the hostage.
But if you’re taming, you could fire a shot very shock-proof, you’d probably target the brain.
okay, thanks and why exactly that little brain?
Because the cerebellum is responsible for the motor skills.
In movies, people simply fall dead, that happens in real life rather rarely. Even a head shot does not always lead to (constant) dead.
This motionless attack actually happens only when the cerebellum or the spine (at certain points) takes great damage.
If you shoot this away, no signals can be transmitted from the brain to the body.
If that really works, I’m overwhelmed.
In “The Shield”, they also explained this in a sequence. However, I did not know whether this was accurate in other places.