Wie mache ich meine Ballett Kleidnung sauber?

Ich hab jetzt vor kurzem angefangen mit Ballett und möchte nun meine Sachen nach mehreren Trainings wieder Waschen. Wie mache ich das?

Ich würde die Ballett Hose und das Oberteil einfach in die Waschmaschine packen aber kann ich meine Schläppchen reinigen oder geht das nicht und wenn ja wie?

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1 year ago

clothes in the washing machine. But it would be good if you found the washing instructions, some of them can only be washed at 40 degrees.

Bars made of leather, please not in the washing machine. They react like any other leather shoe even if it is immersed and held under water. The leather will eventually become brittle and hard. Depending on the sole, you can pack linens into the washing machine.

Simply clean leather straps with a damp cloth if they are dirty and sometimes keep supple with a (very thin applied) bee wax layer. As a rule, good ventilation is sufficient. In the case of linen slippers with leather sole, you can wash the upper material, only have to be careful that the leather of the sole is not sewn through

1 year ago

1. Sleepers are okay in the washing machine when they are made of plastic and leather. Silk or Chiffon can be washed by hand.

Two. Take a detergent dosage in the case of slips or slips, which is attached to the detergent packaging for cleaning sports equipment.

3. You’ll probably have to remove sweat residues after washing.

1 year ago

(1) I’ve had everything in washing machine.

2) Sleeps don’t look as bad as before, but nice enough.

3) Years ago, maybe there are newer products. Ask for the ballet school! There are DIE experts.

4) I don’t know what material your stuff is from!!!!

1 year ago

that’s on the wash note.

1 year ago
Reply to  Toph6

you need to know