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Not with HTML itself. You can only create an “mailto” link, which then passes the contained mail address to your installed mail client.
If you want to send mails from your site, it must be solved with PHP, for example.
Mailto is something completely different.
And so you can not insert an automatic mail and no followers into an HTML mail
But that’s exactly what I wrote!?
The address contained in the mailto link is forwarded to a local client.
The questioner had asked a different question just before that, that he would like to send the form data as an attachment utomatically from the server.
With Mailto, of course, he can’t reach his goal, but only a normal mail to his address by the user’s mail program
Instead of reading my answer as he created an HTML email incl attachment, he had asked the question new – cunning from the connection – after the HTML email.
Of course you would have been right if it was just about normal email shipping
Here is explained: Samples/emails-mit-anhang-versenden/
Hm, php wasn’t talking about. But you’re right, that’s right.
He would like to attach the form data to HTML Mail, of course only with PHP and not with an HTML file
I’m just going out when the FS meets the question with “PHP” …
Still the same answer as before
Setting the question brings little if you are not even willing to read the help you offer Samples/emails-mit-anhang-versenden/
keyword: “mailto: “ and use-des-e-mail-links/
You can’t make automatic mailing
Who talks about automatic mailing?
Maybe read his question.
He wants to send form data.
On the note he would have to use an HTML e-mail with an appendix, he had asked this – torn from the connection – question