Wie löst man solche Probleme mit Steam-Downloads?

Ich klicke auf Fortsetzen und kurze Zeit später pausiert er wieder den Download. kennt ihr sowas auch? Wie konnten ihr das lösen?

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1 year ago

There are many causes. The most common are probably too little storage space, loaded hard drive, virus protection.

At ~130 GB download you should also have at least twice the memory free for installation. So around the 260 GB free memory.

Then look at the utilisation – Steam will show you what it is doing, whether what is being loaded or what is being installed. If anything is installed, it may stop.

And it can also happen that the download is blocked by the virus scanner, especially if there is a “new” copy protection on it. In this case, simply disable the scanner briefly or set up a corresponding release.

1 year ago
Reply to  teehouse

You only need 130 GB for the game. However, in order to unpack this, it needs extra storage.

1 year ago

No, I don’t know.

Storage medium full? Internet connection too slow?