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10 months ago

Task 4a
Since α=30° and ε=90° due to Thales.
Then δ=60° must be.
Since angle sum in the triangle always 180°
Since MC and MA are of equal length due to radius
this is an even triangle.
It must therefore be α=30° and φ=30°.
Thus, β=120°. Because it’s 180°.
γ=60°. Since β and γ together must be 180°.

And so similar to the other tasks.

10 months ago

The AMC and MBC triangles are identical (in each case 2 sides correspond to the radius). Therefore, the angle α is as large as the angle ACM in C. And the angle δ is as large as the angle MCB in C. In addition, the angle ACB is 90° and the angular sum in the triangle is 180°.

10 months ago

The outer triangle is at right angles, i.e. delta = 180° – 90° – alpha.

The two inner triangles are the same, i.e., beta=180°-2*a.