wie löcht man ein Virus auf dem iPhone?
hi ich wollte fragen wie man ein Virus auf dem iPhone Löchen kann. Dieser Virus ist schon seit 5 Tagen auf mein Handy und ich weiß nicht wie man ihn löcht?Was soll ich machen?
hi ich wollte fragen wie man ein Virus auf dem iPhone Löchen kann. Dieser Virus ist schon seit 5 Tagen auf mein Handy und ich weiß nicht wie man ihn löcht?Was soll ich machen?
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It is almost impossible for you to have a virus on your reasonably current iPhone, and if you can sell it to security researchers for thousands/millions of euros.
By Apple now also 3. Providers must offer app stores it is no longer so “impossible”, but nevertheless unwarmly.
It is still a closed system by unlocking all apps in the sandbox. You also need valuable vulnerabilities.
There is more danger in phishing and fraud.
Are you sure?
A virus on an iPhone is extremely rare (does not mean that it does not exist at all, but it is untypical).
What are you doing?
So what’s different from what else?
Because it’s even under Android (although only bite knows and doesn’t click on any link and everything downloaded) unwarmly to catch yourself a virus.
It sends me any pronos or other naming and got a warning from Apple
Apple does not send virus warnings.
In which apps are the messages?
You might have made a calendar subscription somewhere that bugs you with these “warnings”.
If you really have a virus on your iPhone, I recommend that you reset your iPhone to the factory settings. This will delete all data on your device, including the virus. Make sure you first backup your important data so you can restore it after resetting.
How do you know you got a virus on the phone?
You have no virus on your iPhone.
An iPhone is almost always virus-free.