Wie lerne ich gut für eine Mathe Arbeit?

Wir schreiben in am Dienstag eine Mathe Arbeit und ich lerne sehr wenig und kann mich beim lernen kaum konzentrieren. Könnt ihr mir Tipps geben? Es ist mir auch unangenehm wenn der Lehrer sieht wie wenig ich auf der Checkliste gemacht hab.

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1 month ago

Put your phone away ( best in another room) Watch themes from the book that will come in work and explain videos best watch the teacher when it comes to extra tasks questions about and what is important eif more learn best so 30/20min a day and between there two or a 5min break where you should go out for a short time or what to drink/is this helps me always to learn and if you have to learn how to do this

LG hopes that helps

1 month ago

Phone and Tv give your parents and get back Sunday night

1 month ago

Personally, Brown noise always helps me learn a lot. Keeps me from other thoughts.

1 month ago

Algebra and geometry are 2 different topics.

Look into your implicit teaching recordings, such as the questioning and the derivation of loyalty.

Look into the teaching books how the topic is presented and deeper into matter.

It would be of importance whether a formula collection is available.

You can meet schoolmates and you learn to work in class together.

1 month ago

Get a tealight candle and learn as long as it goes out