Wie lerne ich, andere Lebensweisen zu akzeptieren?

Meine Kindheit war stark geprägt von Kontrolle und strikten Verhaltensregeln. Obwohl ich es geschafft habe, aus diesem Umfeld auszubrechen, fällt es mir schwer, die Lebensweisen anderer Menschen zu akzeptieren.

Manchmal kann ich bestimmte Lebensstile einfach nicht verstehen, aber es ist mir sehr wichtig, offener zu werden und die Vielfalt in den Lebensstilen anderer Menschen schätzen zu lernen.

Wie kann ich das am besten erreichen?

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7 months ago

Be aware that your parents have a very limited view of life and you don’t have to take it. You don’t have to live like them in a bubble in which your own horizon is so tightly knitted that you can hardly breathe. Your parents decided this for themselves because it’s comfortable. They are certainly not particularly intelligent. Don’t wear this shoe. You’ve already recognized a lot and you’re jealous when they could ever be.

7 months ago
Reply to  WorldOpen


I’ve experienced something similar. That’s why I’m very early away from my parents. With 17 extended to another city, with 20 then 700 km far away. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I’ve been around 52 and my life a lot, often moved, again and again other areas, other people. Working with people, too. Alone a child raised. You grow on all this. This doesn’t happen from today to tomorrow, so give you time. Be open to the people who meet you. Meet people, best many! You learn so much about what’s going on. Someday you can leave your past behind you. My parents are still alive, we have little contact. They don’t affect me anymore. Actually, I’m just sorry. I wish you all the best!

7 months ago

The better you know, the more you will understand.

7 months ago
Reply to  WorldOpen


7 months ago

First of all: Exciting question of you ey!

Especially important in your approach is to be able to understand and accept in the end. In such information collection, however, it is dangerous that behaviour is more and more despised than sadness. Actually, for your interest only helps to entertain with other people as much as possible. So you learn the reason behind their way of life and this creates understanding 🥳

7 months ago
Reply to  WorldOpen

Then don’t let it go. This is the sad thing you see every day in our world. Judgments about everything and everyone without being an expert. It’s about the world that makes you unhappy at times. ♥️

7 months ago

You cannot and must not find everything that others do!

Everyone has his own moral compass and rudeness you don’t have to support. If people do not meet my moral standards, then I avoid them, or in certain cases try to influence them positively so that they change.

7 months ago

Learn to do nothing.

7 months ago
Reply to  WorldOpen

if you learn nothing to do consciously you learn mindfulness, that goes through constant observation, don’t think, sport,

However, you describe a kind of personality disorder from my own…maybe a little prof. Help