Wie lerne ich am besten Koreanisch?
Hallo. Ich interessiere mich sehr für diese Sprache und schaue auch viele Serien auf Koreanisch an. Habt ihr Tipps, womit man anfangen könnte, wenn man Koreanisch lernen will? Und vielleicht auch, wie man sich danach verbessern kann?
Danke schön!
I don’t know if it’s special in Korean. I’ve been learning Arabic for some time in a ‘Tandem learning’ from Facebook. This is a give and take, I learn Arabic and teach German. I think that’s fair and it’s free. It would be good if both could talk in a third language, probably English. You can explain that.
I’m doing the huge fun and I wish you that too.
Thank you.
Very welcome
There are many apps to learn languages e.g. Duolingo…
for this you should be able to get English
The debate? This is the eternal question…. yes! You’ll learn them there, too. There are, for example, texts that you have to cancel🥰
I personally find Korean also very beautiful!
(I wish you a nice and relaxing evening!)🥰
Thank you. You also have a nice evening
I love helping people! And thanks!🥰
First of all, if my grease doesn’t look like roaring (some but I find the one just more beautiful!)
I would say go to a language school, or to courses at the Volkshochschule. Korean acquaintances wouldn’t be bad. With them, one might well deepen the Korean language in conversations.
Thank you
Go to YouTube and search for the Korean A1 series. Look at them until you can understand every word. In between you can also learn writing and reading.
Thank you!