Wie lautet denn das Coding in CSS wenn ich in der Navbar z.B. 3 Tags links haben möchte und eins rechts?
Hallo zusammen,
also Coding Anfänger hätte ich eine Frage wie oben schon beschrieben.
Layout wäre dann wie folgt.
‘x”y”z’ Space ‘a’
Wäre nett wenn mir da kurz jemand helfen könnte, danke.
Liebe Grüße
Without knowing your previous CSS, you can’t really help. There are so many ways to reach. I would Flexbox take and take margin-left:auto place the elements on the right:
That’s exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you very much
Could be done via a Flexbox, there is even an example in the MDN for exactly this use case:
MDN Layout Cookbook: Split navigation
You can find more in the documentation on Flexbox and Alignment:
Make 2 containers. (Div)
One left, one right.
Then you set flexbox space between. That should go. See: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox