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1 year ago

A tinnitus can be different. With me the tinnitus has, for example, 20 and 25 dB, which is not loud for a tinnitus.

There are also affected persons who have 85 dB. It is said that from 85 dB it is a volume that can quickly lead to depression, because you can then listen to the tinnitus badly. With my tinnitus of 20 and 25 dB it is so that I overhear it if I don’t think about it. When I think about the tinnitus, I hear him. That’s why there’s the saying, “Just as you deal with the tinnitus, you hear him.”

There are different tinnitus, e.g. B. I have a high tone as tinnitus. I have a hearing damage on the high tone. For example, there is also a tinnitus as a Brummton. Then the tinnitus hangs together orthopedically.

An HNO doctor or a hearing aid acoustician can of course not hear the patient’s tinnitus. The type of tinnitus is determined by hearing different sounds at the HNO doctor and the patient must say whether his tinnitus sounds like that. The strength of the tinnitus (weight in dB) is determined by hearing this tone in a volume for the patient, and then he must say whether it is the volume of his tinnitus. The type of tinnitus (the tone) and the volume (in dB) are then determined.

1 year ago

Tinnitus can have different volumes, frequencies and signals. It can be a beep, a noise, quiet, noisy, bright, dark, dauesome and occasionally.

No matter what sound it is and how loud when you hear it without it being there, it is Tinnitus:)

1 year ago


With me, the sound in both ears is like when I sit in an airplane and hear the engines.


1 year ago

That’s different for everyone. With me, it’s easy to crack.