Wie läuft so eine Schwangerschaft ab?

Hallo, ja die Frage steht oben… mich hat einfach mal interessiert wie eine Schwangerschaft so abläuft also… was man so beachten muss und einfach was dann im Körper passiert, ich weis es ist nur eine Google suche entfernt jedoch würde ich gern ein verständliches bild bekommen

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1 year ago

I was just interested in how a pregnancy goes so

Purely biologically is the same for every woman.

But the drummer is different for every woman and even for every pregnancy. Some never pass, some weeks several times a day. Some have problems with back pain early in pregnancy, some do not. Some are physically fit until the end and some can only lie from the middle of the pregnancy. And so on and so on.

… what to consider

No alcohol, no nicotine, caffeine care, no raw animal products. From child’s request, you should take folic acid, which is important for preventing neural tube defects. That’s what happened.

just what happens in the body,

There are endless web pages and apps that explain this in detail for every week of pregnancy. The following is mentioned here: https://www.pampers.de/pregnantschaft/pregnantschaftskalender

1 year ago

Pregnancy usually takes 40 weeks and has 3 semesters.

1 year ago


Preparation courses

Don’t be careful!

1 year ago

Look at this, that explains a pregnancy very good.


1 year ago
Reply to  Thor87

I once looked at this. I’m very good.

1 year ago

“a comprehensible picture”??

The subject of pregnancy fills whole books, how to summarize this briefly?

If you have a specific question, I’d like to help you.

Happy for you!

1 year ago
Reply to  isebise50

Yeah, fills up all the books. But even if you have no idea, you can get pregnant and get kids. All our mothers were pregnant. For millions of years.