Wie läuft so eine Jagd ab?
Ich wollte dich einfach mal fragen, wie so eine Jagd ungefähr verläuft.
Ich gehe ja nicht davon aus, dass du einfach so in irgendeinen Wald gehst und beliebig viele Tiere erschießt.
Musst du das vorher ankündigen? Gibt es da genaue Vorgaben, was du erschießen darfst? Was passiert mit der Beute (behälst du sie, wird sie verkauft oder abgegeben)?
That always depends on where you are.
As a rule, you will find a precinct nearby and ask if you can hunt there. This can cost money, which can be free of charge or, for example, work in the area is called for in return. Grades near the city are horrendous prices for a walk-in license. So, no, just go to some forest and don’t shoot – this is hunting game and a crime.
With the certificate you receive certain rights and obligations in the territory. This means that the use of hunting facilities, the firing of certain animals (i.d.R. quite exact conditions: animal species, sex, age of allowed animals for firing), the use of certain hunting methods, the binding to certain times, (temporary) reporting obligations, work and other duties on hunting etc. Depending on the precinct. The targets in forestry enterprises are different from those in privately leased field areas or in state forestry enterprises. After these conditions, you can practice hunting. On individual seats (all on a hunting tent or high-seat), collective seating by agreement with other hunters, joint hunting or pirschjagd. Depending on the way the hunter has planned to perform approximately prescribed firing plans.
What can be kept from the animal is also different. Often you have to give it (usually sold to wild dealers or other customers) and only once a year gets an animal free for example. On the other hand, you have at least the right to pre-purchase, but still pay for it. Only the interiors are traditionally assigned to the heir. There are some real treats here ^ How and what exactly you get, everything is regulated in the certificate.
Thank you for the detailed answer ^^