Wie läuft Schwangerschaft und Kind Anmeldung ohne Vater?

Wie läuft Schwangerschaft und Kind Anmeldung ohne das man weiß wer der Vater ist?
Ist es kein Problem wenn ich auch kein Interesse habe herauszufinden wer der Vater ist?

Genug gespart um mich um das Kind zu kümmern hab ich und die nächsten 5-7 Jahre sollte ich noch gut was ansparen können. Danach sollte ich weiterhin ganz okay verdienen und finanziell eigentlich gut aufgestellt sein. Gibt es weiteres was die Behörden dann von mir wissen wollen?

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6 months ago

Then Father is entered unknown. Only if you are married, the spouse is automatically registered as a father.

6 months ago

You enter “unknown” in the field “Vater”.

If you don’t have any interest in finding out who the father is, it’s just that you can’t sue anyone for maintenance.

Is there anything else the authorities want to know about me?

Like this, if you apply for civil money or similar, I don’t know it could be that you’re trying to find out the father that if the dependant is not paying the office.

But if you have enough money, I don’t see any problems.

6 months ago

You don’t have to give a father.

But the potential fathers can insist on a paternity test and then on their rights.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Well, they probably know you and would sooner or later learn about birth and pregnancy.

It’s quite unfair to the child.

6 months ago

So to the child and the abstention, I would have the father noticed in your place.

But you don’t have to.