Wie läuft es mit der mpu?
Hallo alle zusammen ich habe da eine Frage habe jetz ein Bescheid bekommen dass ich eine mpu machen muss aber habe trotzdem eine Sperre noch bis zum 15.09.2023 da stand ich muss ein Abstinenz machen von 6-12 Monaten wie soll ich jetz vorangehen? Da stand auch erst 3 Monate vor der Sperre kann ich einen Antrag erstellen und mpu machen wie läuft das denn jetz? Danke im Voraus schonmal 🙏
What kind of decision did you get if you didn’t even make a new application?
The new application may be 6 months before the end of the blocking period.
OB a abstinence (and thus abstinence evidence) is required and, if so, how long, the expert of the MPU office alone decides and no one else.
Why don’t you describe what you’re talking about? Alcohol? Drugs? In road traffic noticed?
I got this from the local court there was how long it’s gone and what I have to do.
and with abstinence detection there is recommended and a preparation. How do I know if I have to do one or not?
The fact that a tribunal does so. Recommendations are new, because these have no competences for what to do for the MPU in advance…
But no matter now. It depends on WESWEGEN you have to go to the MPU, so I asked you in my answer. For example, if you noticed alcohol at the tax, it depends on how high your blood value was and how your drinking history is, because it is only possible to derive whether you have to prove abstinence or not. And you have to do a MPU preparation in any case, but here too it comes to the prehistory, because there are different ways to prepare for review. From free preparation to expensive courses, everything is possible…
In short, I need more information to give you a smart answer what you should do now.
The FEB won’t be able to tell you anything, because they would like to have a positive opinion from you later. Subject-specific questions relating to abstinence evidence, preparation, etc., however, they cannot answer (otherwise they could carry out the MPU themselves ;)) Just go to drug counseling, there are competent people who also know very well with the subject MPU. And then you can explain the questions that remain open with a traffic psychologist. :
Again for understanding: for the FEB the thing is done for now. You no longer have a driving permit and a blocking period in the official side anyway. Only when you make a new application will the authority re-act…
Hi thank you again for everything I would have a question where I know what I really need and what is not because what I got is all just a hint I take and not from the driver’s license I only get the answers when I first request a new application or can I call the driver’s license?
Okay, so it’s about mixed consumption. First of all, you should contact a drug or addiction counsel. This is very important so that you can later apply a “therapeutic measure” to the MPU. Then you can best register at an institute for urine screenings (unless you have been to the hairdresser several times in the meantime and the whole thing is so long that nothing can be detected in your hair). For the drugs, you will need evidence for at least 12 months. Better would be 15 months since the new assessment criteria for driving up to your MPU have already been fully implemented and the number of months have been increased here. It’s a bit more difficult to assess for the alcohol. Presumably, there are proofs of 6 months (in the most favourable case it was even without proof), but here the search advice can make a better assessment.
A while before your MPU appointment, you can also take a few sessions with a traffic psychologist (that would be an additional preparation you can show at the MPU).
You now have a blocking period up to 15.09.2023, but the collection of the abstinence certificates will go significantly beyond this period, so you can submit the new application at any time after the blocking period end. I would recommend doing this about 3 months before the end of the screenings.
@nanycotten so I was caught at the steering wheel with 1.07 promille and 89ng/ml benzoylecgonin blood values I know it sounds like an excuse but for the first time I drank a lot and unfortunately pulled cocaine. And that with the local court it came from my specialist and in the letter was also the driving licence authority was instructed not to grant you a new driving licence before the end of 15.09.2023.
have to inform you.
almost always have to prove 12 months abstinence. that is a must and the most common reason to not exist. hair analysis or urine
then whether drug, hard and canabis or alk is important
during the conversation your day