wie läuft eine substititutin ab, man geht hin es wird urin verlangt usw.. passt alles bekommt man sein substitut, was ist am zweoten tag wird dann wieder uri?

n verlangt am dritten tage auch? was ist wenn man positiv ist if irgendwas?

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5 months ago

That’s all about it.

You usually give a drug test to be positive on opioids or similar (Buprenorphine, Morphium, Opiate, Polamidone, Methodon…).

If you are negative, it would be quite irresponsible for the doctor to include you in substitution.

Then you start the next day with your entry dose either with daily intake in the pharmacy or directly with the doctor. You’ll get it home after a certain time when you were ” decent”.

The doctor can ask for drug tests when he wants, but usually you will be tested 1x weekly at the beginning, after a time, only once every 2 weeks.

As far as consumption is concerned, this also applies to the doctor. Very many tolerate THC if you are once positive for something else, you will pick up a shot and may be tested more often. If the positive findings accumulate on other means like your substitute, he will probably send you to detox where you will get your pola and give you a new chance afterwards.

But there are also doctors who are rigorous and throw you out directly, which I have never experienced yet, but I am sure that there are also those among the many substi doctors. As a rule, you sign a substi contract that says that you are not allowed to consume anything else and, for example, that you must submit to a drug test. After all, the doctor is still taking a risk of ordering a daily strong opiate, so the tolerance for “contract violation” lies in the measurement of the respective doctor.

I hope I could help