How does an appointment with a urologist work?

Hey everyone! I have my first appointment with a urologist on Tuesday. It's just a minor issue, so I'm not worried about any diagnosis or anything.

Still, I'm wondering how such an appointment will work, since a 'regular checkup' is also supposed to be done. What exactly should I expect? And should I prepare for it in any way?

Thanks for your information in advance!

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1 year ago

You were transferred there. So there must be a reason.

For the first time, your data will be checked and you need to pee into a cup. After that, blood may be taken from the doctor and the urine sample is evaluated and discussed. Prostate scanning and ultrasound of kidney, bladder. If there’s something that comes out of the blood test, you’ll be notified.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lexa1

Thanks for the star. Hope everything goes well. 👋

1 year ago

I don’t know why you’re here.

With me blood was removed every time, urine had to be placed in a cup and was examined with scanning + ultrasound.

1 year ago

First give Lulu. Get a cup and go to the bathroom. Ergo: do not go with empty bubble. Then you will be made aware of (in Germany) that there are services that the health insurance does not pay (e.g. PSA) whether you want to have them, then conversation then examination ev ultrasound…then ev again conversation and therapy regulation.

1 year ago

So hello this is how you log on to Dan first you like in a cup of pinkel that will take your blood off and then the examination comes