What does a day in psychiatry look like?
Am 13,
svv, smg
Am 13,
svv, smg
Hello folks, Can I finally cure my depression and schizophrenia? Or is it impossible? Should I just live with it now? I'm in therapy + medication,… LG.
Hello, I want to expand my knowledge a bit during a five-hour bus ride, so I decided to download a few films/series from ZDF so I can watch them offline. I'm still a minor, so please, nothing brutal! I'd like to watch something about eating disorders or psychology in general, but I can't find anything!…
Hello I wanted to ask if it is possible for me to be pregnant if, for example, I had sex on March 14th and then got my period on March 15th, i.e. one day immediately after, and am now 10 days late :/
Because antidepressants are not effective in treating anhedonia. Nor psychotherapy, in my opinion. https://www.die-inkognito-philosophin.de/blog/anhedonie
Hello, So, my brother is celebrating his birthday today (17), so he's having a party. I don't like parties because of personal stuff and because they're very loud. I think he'll play the music really loud, and there will be a lot of people there who will stay late. The easiest solution would be to…
Good evening everyone, have just put a large portion of toast (sandwich) with salami/ham/sandwich cheese in the microwave and heated it thoroughly. Can you still eat the whole thing in a few hours or should you throw it away? Thank you very much for quick answers With best regards PS: We know the oven is…
I’ve been in the closed car and where I was,
Get up, eat, brush teeth, make bed, school, lunch, room hour (just have to be in the room) or any therapies that are distributed over the day, either to school or for a short time, then you have leisure and therapies, dinner, mobile phone/ visiting time (was at the same time) then you could watch away and then brush your teeth and bed
I really don’t recommend it.. When I had a month, my life was ruined, and now I’m just thinking about suicide and scratching me deeper
I was called a hoe (from a young one), cried daily and was due to my wounds on the arm to ride in the heat with long sleeves
By the way, I am 13^^
You’ll be told.
Depends on whether open, closed, day clinic….
About three hours of clinic school, one hour of therapy and the rest of great boredom.