Wie läuft ein Neuwagenkauf mit der Finanzierung ab?
der Neuwagen kostet um die 45.000€, ich möchte 23.000€ anzahlen und den rest finanzieren.
Wie genau läuft es ab?
Wird an dem Tag gecheckt ob man eine zusage wegen der Kredit bekommen kann, und wenn der Kredit genehmigt wird muss man dann sofort die 23.000€ zahlen?
Ich habe noch nie einen Neuwagen gekauft und habe keine Ahnung wie das alles genau abgewickelt werden muss.
Kredit vom Autohaus VW nicht andere Banken!
Ich wäre für eure Antworten sehr dankbar.
You make a binding order with the dealer and a financing request. This ok for financing is usually within max. 15 minutes to the dealer. I’m just reading VW Bank. Can take longer than 15 minutes.
Your deposit must, and you should pay first when picking up or even when the vehicle is approved.
Consider, however, there are currently quite long delivery times which are not adhered to in many cases. In many cases it is also worth buying a storage trolley. He can be yours next week.
Here it will first arrive at your monthly income, whether a Schufa entry is present and also your credit.
You must submit these documents to the lender and then decide whether you can get a loan.
Under certain circumstances, you also need to get a security, e.g. a basic book entry to a residential building.
It can be that my advice does not “weak” you! Let the issue debt/financing out. Buy the car you like on Ex pay and – chat – can. You will never get problems because the vehicle letter is located within your apartment/deines at home. Never comes, in this respect, the courtmate. And you can show the others the thumb by asking where is the vehicleEXPENDITURE in the original.
95% of the cars financed No Courtmate. It doesn’t matter where a vehicle letter is. You can also fund a car meaningfully. The above-mentioned ratio 23/22 is quite solid.
And what happens if the rates can’t be paid anymore, no matter why. With the letter at home, it can be absolutely no matter, because there are no rates.
I haven’t done it for a while. But I’ve always been out of the principle of what I can’t pay, I can’t buy it. And there was only one exception (home/home purchase). Not another. So he himself should decide whether he wants to have the term debt, for a “car”.
“With the letter at home, there can be no difference because there are no rates” It doesn’t have to be right. If I finance the car at my house bank, the bank does not necessarily require the letter.
If you also go after “And what happens…” you shouldn’t rent a flat.
Why is VW? There are better solutions for 45,000 euros.