Wie läuft ein Erste Hilfe Kurs für den Führerschein ab?
Hey, ich habe morgen meinen Erste-Hilfe Kurs für den Führerschein und habe etwas Angst. Wie läuft das ganze ab? Wie viele Leute sind bei einem Kurs ca. dabei? Und muss man viel praktisch nachmachen? Danke schon mal im Vorraus 🙂
I had about 15 people with 4 different languages.
It was guided to the subject and explained behaviour. Then we made her print massage on dolls.
Finally, everyone got a certificate and a contract for ADAC Young Drivers.
The most important is summarized:
Emergency call number for rescue service in Germany 112
Check the injured on consciousness, breathing and pulse
With unconsciousness and existing breathing/circular movement – stable side position
No pulse detectable – start of heart pressure massage and respiration. Everyone must be able to do this and be trained on a doll.
Group size different usually so 10-20 people
Takes 7/8 hours
Yes, you have to do exercises on a doll.