Wie läuft der Sehtest bei der Führerschein ab?
gab es Maschinen bzw. Geräten?
wie lief es alles ab?
danke im Voraus
gab es Maschinen bzw. Geräten?
wie lief es alles ab?
danke im Voraus
Nach den vorgaben (bei AM 45km/h und 50cm³ ) müsste ich (98cm³ und 60km/h) den A1 machen. Jetzt habe ich auf Wikipedia gefunden dass sie trotzdem zu https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleinkraftrad zählt was bedeuten würde dass ich nur AM machen muss. (Da stand dass es Ausnahmen mir der Geschwindigkeit bei alten Modellen gibt) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSU_Quick
Wenn jemand falsch parkt zum bsp kommt gleich einer und beschwert sich darüber obwohl er nicht behindert wird es ist ja meine Strafe wenn ich erwischt werden würde
Hallo, Fahrt ihr lieber auch etwas Langsamer durch Kurven bei Regen bei Autos ohne ESP. Ich musste einem Polzeisten erklären warum ich bei Strak Regen langsamer abgebogen bin .Ich fahre einen Golf 4 SDI da dauert das halt bisschen bis der auf Touren kommt und wenn einer Hupt lass ich erst recht Zeit war halt…
Hallo bin 16 habe den A1 Führerschein und wollte gleich mit einem Kolleg der mitfährt auf dem sozius in die schweiz fahren darf ich das?
A standardized vision test with Landoltringen
applied. These are downwardly smaller rows of circles with openings whose positions must be recognized and determined. The process takes about 10 minutes.
How far are the circles coming? 30cm moderate? And thank you!!!!
Very much. The circles came to me, subjectively felt, at that time quite close.
If you are without glasses only up to 1 meter, you definitely need a glasses. You don’t get the vision test without glasses.
If I can see everything within 1 meter perfectly, even millimeter things. Would I insist? For example, short-sighted, which see perfectly within 10 meters
You look through some kind of glasses and see letters or points on the wall. Then your visual strength is determined by showing you 2 different visual strengths. You just have to say if 1 or 2 is better several times. This is only done with one eye and then with the other. In the end you have your values c:
Hope I could explain it to you a bit vividly:)
What you describe is not the driving licence test, but a so-called refraction over the lens thickness.
Hmm. That’s exactly what I did.
Then it was certainly still €6.43, which was until a few years ago a fixed legal fee.
I don’t know anymore
Of course, that can already be, but is not correct. What did you pay for?
If you have good eyes, this is only 5 minutes. You look through a device on a small map and who you can read everything is ok, if not, you look, which strengthen you just need 5 min +.
The driver’s licence test shall be performed with a device prescribed by the legislator. Then you look in and see 5 rows of circles that are open in any place. You have to tell the examiner where these openings are located. The top row with both eyes, row 2+3 only with the right and row 4+5 only with the left eye.
You have a device where you sit and see structures that have an opening. You must specify this opening (so left, right, top, bottom).
If you make too many mistakes you will be sent to the optician or ophthalmologist.
just for short-sighted or?
No, even far-sighted people make the driving test. They simply wear their glasses with plus glasses. 🤓
Just like at school or elsewhere.
There ne number plate is shown in different sizes. You have to read it.
How far is the distances
There is no distance. You look directly into the device that displays letters and rings.
It was in my hands.
I can calm you down, you can’t fall through.
Of course you can fall through it. If you have less than 70% of your ability to look, you will notice. Everyone who is registered in the driver’s license to wear glasses has fallen through without glasses beforehand. Some also fall through with glasses because the glasses have become too weak.
Personally, I could not drive without glasses because, for example, speed limits or signs would be difficult to read.
wearing glasses is not painful, a car accident physically and financially already
So, well, I’m a little shortsighted. Bzw, I already see the lights, etc. Is there any need for glasses?
Yeah, that’s it.
Usually it ends in funny puzzling rates.
But as I said, the worst, and that’s not bad, is that in your driver’s license there is a corresponding note.
I personally have 9/4,5 dioptrics and have passed
If you’re really short-sighted and don’t have glasses yet, you’ll have trouble. If you already have glasses, you’ll do the test with glasses. In your driver’s license, you’ll have to wear a suitable visual aid for driving a vehicle.
So can I have problems if I’m short-sighted? Are you getting smaller?
Well, little. And they get smaller and smaller. You want to determine your visual acuity.
Exactly, and the rings are sometimes open to one side or to the other.
This then simulates the distance.
I can calm you down, you can’t fall through.
It is at most the driving licence that a suitable visual aid must be carried.
In very strong cases, you need an ophthalmologist.
You don’t have to worry
Aso, so they’re either small or big? Thank you.