Wie läuft der Führerschein für das Auto ab?
Ein älterer Schulfreund/bekannter von mir macht gerade seinen Führerschein fürs Auto. Und er meinte das er die Autobahnfahrten sich hat, und nur noch die Nachtfahrten die “Theoretische” und “Praktische Prüfung” machen muss…
Aber da fiel mir auf, das mein Vater mir vor lange erklärt hatte wie das mit dem Autoführerschein usw…abläuft. Er meinte zu mir, das man erstmal die Theoretische Prüfung machen muss, damit man die Verkehrsregeln etc…kann. Und dann erst die Praktische Prüfung kommt….oder ? 🤷♀️
Fals das stimmen sollte was mein Dad meint, frage ich mich wie er das mit den Autobahnfahrten zuerst gemacht hat ohne eine Theorie Prüfung abzulegen…🤔
Ich möchte hier nichts falsches nennen oder so. Aber mein Vater ist mit einem der eine Fahrschule bei uns in der Stadt hat, gut befreundet.
You can also make driving hours without having attended the Theo lessons. There is little progress, but in general, the driving training should even run parallel. Only there are many FS who only want to be theory before they start driving hours.
It’s not an exam ride.
But he meant that he did not have the theoretical examination as well as the practical examination.
That’s why I wonder why he already has driving hours without having to take off the theoretical exam…🤷 ♀️
So I had also done the theoretical exam before I had the first hour. But I have heard of some who made both parrallel. Maybe every driving school is different?
The first practical hours must be followed by the theoretical teaching, but the theoretical examination can also be filed during practical training, but must be passed before practical examination.
What your father says is true, you can do the practical examination only when you have made the theoretical examination. This has nothing to do with the elevator that your friend is doing right now, which you can do without doing the theoretical exam.
Hello first:)
During the theory phase (in the phase where you learn with the app) you can start the practice hours. As far as I know you have to have the theoretical examination in your pocket before you can start the practical examination!
I hope I understood you correctly and could help you a little;)