Wie läuft das warten vor Konzerten ab?
Im Juli diesen Jahr hab ich das erste mal steh Plätze bei einem Konzert in einem Stadion. Und ich seh immer Videos, in denen die Leute sagen, dass man Nummern bekommt. (Also ich weiß, dass die auf die Hand geschrieben werden und so)
Und ich würd gern wissen, wo man die dann bekommt. Also ob man irgendwo hingehen muss oder ob man sich einfach in die Schlange setzen/stellen kann…
When numbers are assigned, this is usually unofficial and organized by fans. This is actually only for people who have camped several days before the hall, so that you can leave your place for showering. So if you get off the concert the day, that’s really quite irrelevant to you. If you have to go to the toilet, you just have to ask someone if he keeps your place free
Many talk about what is offered to them or hope for what they will offer.
If you’re not just cast into the Row Zero, there’s no effort to number the guests. Who comes first ground first… and if you want to be far ahead, a patient bubble is in demand.
Those who are enjoyable and don’t have to stand at the front can also easily get in 30 minutes before the start, which should usually be enough to see what and to miss a bit of the Warm Up Acts.
You only have to hire yourself after you have been instructed. Whoever’s here gets better places. It was at the Welly concert.
The numbers are rarely organized and especially at concerts by fans who wait at night in front of the hall to make a certain fairness.
At normal concerts you stand, go in and find a place that suits you. Then wait.