Wie läuft das mit der Versicherung bei einem Gebrauchtkauft (45 kmh Mopedauto)?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich würde mir gerne ein Aixam oder ähnliches bei kleinanzeigen kaufen. Auf Fotos haben die Autos ja ein Versicherungskennzeichen. Darf ich sowas beim Kauf übernehmen oder wie läuft das?

Danke schonmal. Lg Johannes

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7 months ago

May I take this to buy…

You can’t just do it, you do it automatically through the purchase agreement.


Simply inform the existing insurer about the acquisition. He will then issue a new insurance certificate.

4 months ago
Reply to  wattdennnu2

Thanks for the star. :

7 months ago

You take care of the insurance that is all…and do not forget to renew the insurance at the end of February, because the license plate is always valid for 1 year, from March to the end of February

7 months ago

https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/auto-buy-sale-sale/kfz-zulass/pruef Zertifikate/ (if a 4 wheeled vehicle needs an insurance license, it is the same as the scooter)

Why not actually. a Opel Rocks-e? Maintenance etc. should then be cheaper than with burners. Yeah, you should be able to load at home so that this is really fun.

In general, however, for hardly more money older BEV with more range and (also charge) speed, where you need a car driver license and a normal car insurance that is more expensive. It’s also open. Make sense.
