Wie läuft das Flughafenprozedere ab?
Ich bin noch nie alleine geflogen und das letzte Mal ist auch schon lange her. Den Online Check-in habe ich schon gemacht und das Zeitfenster für die Sicherheitskontrolle ausgewählt. Ich bin aber etwas unsicher, wo ich mich am Anfang anstellen muss. Nur bei der Gepäckaufgabe? Oder sind der Check-in und die Gepäckaufgabe am gleichen Schalter? Bitte keine dummen Antworten, ich weiß es im Moment nicht besser.
First hand the luggage on the flight switch, you get the ticket.
Then we continue towards Gate for security control.
All bags and beverage containers must be empty here.
You have to put the handbag in the ready containers. Electronic devices such as mobile phones.Laptops and the like must be removed from the handbag and placed in the ready-made containers.
You should always keep your passport in your hand.
Just follow all instructions of the staff.
Attention: It can be through that you are subjected to intensive control. Quiet, friendly and courteous.
After control, you can store everything back into the handbag.
As far as my experiences…
Thank you.
As a rule, baggage and checkin are the same switch. However, depending on the airline and airport, there are also such Self Baggage Drop Off switches (small machines only) without personnel, into which you can easily clean your luggage and then follow the instructions.
After that, just continue to the security check and the gate.
First baggage, then security check, then continue to the gate.
so I know
can then go directly to the gate