Wie laufe ich gerader?

Hey ich habe eine lange Zocker Zeit hinter mir und deshalb laufe ich auch leider nicht mehr ganz gerade sondern etwas gebückt.

Da ich schon lange aus der Zeit raus bin und nun meine Freundin das etwas kritisiert und es mich inzwischen selber stört würde ich gerne etwas daran ändern wollen. Also wie laufe ich wieder gerade ohne diese leicht gebückte Haltung mit dem Hals

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9 months ago

This will not really succeed you, as you take such or similar curved posture over and over again, even unconsciously. For example, if you sit on the sofa or lie in the bed, but even if you read what writes on the PC and/or mobile phone, sits at the table and do what to eat, vacuum, car or two-wheel drive etc etc

The few minutes that you do exercises in the other direction, to stretch the muscles etc and even more intense things, such as swimming or other training, will at most bring about a slight improvement.

However, even if you are no longer shocking, nothing would be wrong, because then the curvature wg of the normal everyday loads continues to increase even more and more.

P.S.: Let an orthopedic check and advise you on how to treat your curvature best!

9 months ago

We can’t see how you’re running but there’s certainly exercises or a therapy like you’re running again and its muscles are bending again.

9 months ago

I would say you could do sports, for example, if you don’t really know what’s best then you can also go to a gym and make strength training. There are also people who can show you exercises and can lead you.