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Schickt PayPal Kaufsbestätigung an andere Familienmitglieder?
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Wann kommt die Bankkarte an?
Meine Bank (Sparkasse) hat mir eine neue girocard bestellt und muss 5€ zahlen, da man meine alte gesperrt hat wegen eines betrugs. Wird man mir meine Bankkarte per post zuschicken, falls ja, wie zahle ich dann der bank die 5€?
Wait till you really need it or get it. It doesn’t work. If 4% in 40 years were worth only 48000€ and inflation.
You can put it differently
Yeah, but you just do that if you don’t have that much or what you have.
Interestingly investing.
Currently, cryptocurrencies, especially Meme coins are strongly crypted. We are currently in the bear market. Perfect time to get in. That should be taken, so I would invest 1000€ in 5-10 coins and the rest in stocks funds or precious metals.
I’m a beginner myself, but I see the potential. :
PS: The cryptocurrencies hodln and min. 1 year, then the profit is tax-free.
Depends on how much money you have, how long you have to invest the 10,000 euros, how many debts you have, etc.
If you have debt, it’s the most sensible investment to repay these debts. You won’t get more interest in any secure investment.
If you have no debt and don’t need the money (now), the most sensible facility is an ETF on the MSCI world. It brings you around 7% return per year in the long term. In 40 years you make almost 150,000 euros from the 10,000 euros.
If you have enough money from other sources, go with the money to eat 🙂
MSCI World or MSCI Emerging Markets purchase shares.
You can:
Depending on the industry, companies are well-founded with 10k.
Single shares
Would be my ideas.
A good idea.
A very bad idea.
Plural. They’re scattered on 4-5 shares. Does not pay as much as the first, clear, but many are not willing to open a company. Most people seem to want to be poor.
Roulette 😂 Sure. Let me guess, trading is certainly just gambling
It is better to spread to 1,500 shares and invest in an ETF on the MSCI world. Saving on 5 shares is not much better than playing roulette.
Part 1 Debt abatement,
Building part of two emergency farms
Part 3 ETF
Invest. Where, you decide.
A Business Start
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