Wie lange zocken?
Meine Mutter ist ständig am rum motzen wegen den Zockzeiten, erst am Monatg meinte sie noch das wir über dei Woche nichtmehr zocken dürfen sondern nurnoch am Wochende soviel wir wollen, dann habe ich Samstag und Sonntag gezockt und es wurde wieder nur rungeschrien und wieder wurde jetzt meine Zock Zeit von nur Wochende zocken auf Nur wochende 2 Stunden, ich bin 17 Jahre und mein Bruder der 12 ist hat genau die selben regeln ich finde das total unfair da ich eh wärend der Woche 8 – 9 Stunden pro Tag eine Ausbildung mache und erst gegen 17 uhr zuhause bin
Guess they wouldn’t get excited if you were playing so much, and then yelling around because you can play less.
then do your things you still have to do – so maybe still work for training, then help in the household and then you have free time. I’m sure your mother won’t mind if you’re shocking from 19-21 and then stop on time and make you ready for bed.
But if you come home and then you’ll be shocked, then I understand her disgrace.
or if you spend all the time with the computer on the weekend. Then the 2h rule makes sense.
I dare to doubt that you were just on the dice and suddenly your mother came into the room screaming, there’s certainly more about the story.
Isn’t my mother actually mockered as her boyfriend because my little brother has been on the dock since this morning to both of us, the lungs were screaming and then went to the room rules.
That’s so natural. I understand that if you want to limit the tidal times, dialogue is the key.
Exaggerated. You can complain to her!
so of course not in court but talk to her
I’ve been trying for two hours
Absolutely right! Then you have time to deal with more meaningful things.
he’s 17 and he’s already making an education.
So what?
Don’t you have any spare time? So whenever you sit down to read a book, or to television, or what else you do in your spare time, you could do something useful.
That was my exaggerating presentation.
Before one of these “does it make sense.” Leave comments, maybe hold briefly and think.
You should do that.
Jo, I must have disregarded your privacy. Because I’m a 😈.
A stalker!
I would have a suggestion. At 24,000 answers you could admit that you answered too quickly.
He should have the right to decide on his free time.