Wie lange zahlt das Arbeitsamt Zulagen und Versicherungen, wenn eine Person arbeitslos ist?

Hier nur Arbeitsamt meine ich nicht Jobcenter

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7 months ago

It is necessary to be unemployed, to be available to the labour market for mediation and to have fulfilled the so-called expectation period.

This is usually the case when you get within 30 months min. 12 months have paid contributions to unemployment insurance, then the claim is at least 6 months.

At min. 24 months with contributions in unemployment insurance within 30 months max. 12 months claim, if you are 50 years old and have paid into unemployment insurance for a correspondingly longer period, then the claim increases gradually to 24 months.

In this period, contributions to health insurance are taken over and contributions are paid to pension insurance.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

It is not necessary to guess that the conditions for fulfilling the expectation period have been mentioned.

If you become unemployed and are available for placement in work, you are entitled to ALG – 1 for min. 6 months if you are within 30 months min. 12 months have paid contributions to unemployment insurance.

Coming to min within 30 months. 24 months with contributions to unemployment insurance, there is a max. Claim of 12 months.

From 50 years onwards, the claim for correspondingly paid contributions to unemployment insurance increases gradually up to a maximum of 24 months.

The claim is usually calculated from the gross income of the last 12 months, one could also take the average net income of the last 12 months.

In this case, without taking into account children with entitlement to child benefit, 60 %, or 67 % would be paid to ALG-1.


7 months ago

The Employment Agency is working on health, care and pension insurance during the period of benefit.

7 months ago

ALG 1 is obtained for 1 year or at a higher age up to 2 years.